Love Affirmation


Free Audio Love Affirmation


Hi everyone, I want to say a huge thank you for all the lovely feedback about the website. I love connecting with you all and sharing our similar stories.


I have had a lot of private messages recently about the healing hypnosis for relaxation and manifestation on the website and I am so excited everyone is enjoying them and finding them effective.


I use self hypnosis and affirmations every day as part of my wellness plan. I have many different themes and I rotate them and switch them up. I like to use the same induction at the beginning of each hypnosis as it immediately gets me into the mindset of deep alpha relaxation and I know the powerful suggestions and affirmations will have a deeper impact on my wellness.


For me it starts from the inside out, we need to start with the practice of self-love, it might seem strange but these healing affirmations about LOVE have brought me an abundance of of benefits, such as greater life satisfaction, increased optimism, joy, and a deep sense of personal power. I feel I have the strength and resilience to cope with anything in life and attract many wonderful blessings everyday.


I hope you enjoy them.




April 20, 2016


Audio, Hypnosis